Shock! Excitement! (And there's the Bees' daughter and interviewer, Lu, recording it all as always).
Lu told us: "I'm happy to report my parents really loved seeing themselves. They invited my sister, brother-in-law, his mom, my aunt and a dear friend of the family to watch the premiere."
Lu continued, "My mother swore she would tell NO ONE about the show in case she didn’t like what character she became."
"I think the highlight was when my mother laughed so hard she seemed to stop breathing," says Lu.
Stay tuned for more CCUSA character reactions!
I have been laughing out loud everytime I've thought of the two little bees, for over 24 hours now. The show is brilliant!
I second that comment, this show is absolutely Brilliant. Friggin' HILARIOUS!!!!! I want to watch it every day!!!!
We were all not told what animals my parents would be. The anticipation leading up to the program was great. My sister Lu(the interviewer) kept the suspense building. There was such excitement and a buzz in our house as the program began.
The animal selection was amazing and very appropriate. Watching my parents on tv as bumble bees was great ! My Dad you see is actually a photographer that loves to photograph flowers and bees!!! We can't wait to see next week to see what other words of wisdom come to CBS from The Olkowski Bees !!!
Test 2
Loved the show!!! Bob and Kathy are great as bees!!! Loved the "Nudity".
Eddie and Carolyn
the show is my new favorite. The bees crack me up. the "whatever you say" couldn't have been delivered more brilliantly. The show stopped me in my tracks and made me stop and call everyone I know. Thank you for bringing something great to my day. I Love You Bees! Can't wait till next week!
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